Putting It Olm on the Line (2024)

Putting It Olm on the Line (#305)
Released21 July 2021 (Update)
DescriptionComplete a Chambers of Xeric solo raid with more than 40,000 points.
MonsterChambers of Xeric

Putting It Olm on the Line is a master combat achievement which requires the player to complete a solo Chambers of Xeric raid with 40,000 or more points.

Challenge Mode cannot be used for this task.

Strategy[edit | edit source]

In order to get the minimum points needed for the achievement, the player will need to toggle large raids on as it ensures the first two floors are filled to the brim with four combat/puzzle rooms. As the points can be slow to obtain, players should take their time and prepare early to gain more points. Large raids can also cause duplicate puzzle rooms to appear on each floor.

Avoid the following rooms:

  • Tekton, shamans, Jewelled Crabs - these rooms provide ~1,600 points.

Look for the following rooms:

  • Vasa Nistirio - focus on the glowing crystals more than the boss, as they provide plenty of points. A good strategy is to reach the point cap on the glowing crystals then finish off the boss before leaving the room.
  • Tightrope - each tightrope room provides ~4,000 points on average; double tightropes basically knock out 20% of the required total.
  • Ice demon - players can get many points by cutting many inventories' worth of kindling; dumping 27 will yield around ~700 points and can easily stack for plenty of points, although considerably slower compared to thieving and tightrope rooms.
  • Thieving - roughly 3,000 points can be obtained from this room.
  • Guardian (Chambers of Xeric) - Keeping one guardian alive and having them shove you away from the door gives 40 points. This can be done indefinitely until you reach a comfortable point cap if you do not feel comfortable doing this task without dying. This strategy can be done as long as the guardians are not the first room in the raid.

Players without 90+ Herblore may also want to have a layout that contains an Overload (+) dropping boss, of which Tekton, the Muttadiles and Vanguards drop. Ideally one of the latter two should be selected for this as they provide slightly more points.

The Great Olm will provide roughly 18,500 points and thus it is recommended players ensure that the first two floors will give them at least 22,000 points. Deaths after getting over 5,000 points will likely prevent the player from completing the achievement, although the raid should be completed anyways for the potential rewards. As a result, it is important not to die, which will also unlock the Undying Raider and Undying Raid Team if not completed.

Other tasks[edit | edit source]

There are 29 Combat Achievement tasks (totalling 138 points) available for Chambers of Xeric.

Dancing with StatuesReceive kill-credit for a Stone Guardian without taking damage from falling rocks.Perfection Elite(4pts)22.9%
Chambers of Xeric VeteranComplete the Chambers of Xeric 25 times.Kill Count Elite(4pts)22.1%
Kill It with FireFinish off the Ice Demon with a fire spell.Restriction Elite(4pts)15%
Cryo No MoreReceive kill-credit for the Ice Demon without taking any damage.Perfection Elite(4pts)17.9%
Undying Raid TeamComplete a Chambers of Xeric raid without anyone dying.Perfection Elite(4pts)26.7%
Redemption EnthusiastKill the Abyssal Portal without forcing Vespula to land.Mechanical Elite(4pts)17.8%
Perfectly BalancedKill the Vanguards without them resetting their health.Mechanical Elite(4pts)22.9%
Mutta-dietKill the Muttadile without letting her or her baby recover hitpoints from the meat tree.Mechanical Elite(4pts)29.6%
Shayzien SpecialistReceive kill-credit for a Lizardman Shaman without taking damage from any shamans in the room.Perfection Elite(4pts)18.3%
Together We'll FallKill the Vanguards within 10 seconds of the first one dying.Mechanical Elite(4pts)16.2%
Blizzard DodgerReceive kill-credit for the Ice Demon without activating the Protect from Range prayer.Restriction Elite(4pts)14.1%
Stop Drop and RollKill Vasa Nistirio before he performs his teleport attack for the second time.Mechanical Master(5pts)18.4%
No Time for DeathClear the Tightrope room without Killing any Deathly Mages or Deathly Rangers.Mechanical Master(5pts)10.9%
Perfect Olm (Solo)Kill the Great Olm in a solo raid without taking damage from any of the following: Teleport portals, Fire Walls, Healing pools, Crystal Bombs, Crystal Burst or Prayer Orbs. You also cannot let his claws regenerate or take damage from the same acid pool back to back.Perfection Master(5pts)4.2%
Putting It Olm on the LineComplete a Chambers of Xeric solo raid with more than 40,000 points.Mechanical Master(5pts)2.8%
Perfect Olm (Trio)Kill the Great Olm in a trio raid without any team member taking damage from any of the following: Teleport portals, Fire Walls, Healing pools, Crystal Bombs, Crystal Burst or Prayer Orbs. You also cannot let his claws regenerate or take damage from the same acid pool back to back.Perfection Master(5pts)2.3%
Playing with LasersClear the Crystal Crabs room without wasting an orb after the first crystal has been activated.Perfection Master(5pts)24.2%
A Not So Special LizardKill the Great Olm in a solo raid without letting him use any of the following special attacks in his second to last phase: Crystal Burst, Lightning Walls, Teleportation Portals or left-hand autohealing.Mechanical Master(5pts)4.5%
Undying RaiderComplete a Chambers of Xeric solo raid without dying.Perfection Master(5pts)6.7%
Chambers of Xeric (Solo) Speed-ChaserComplete a Chambers of Xeric (Solo) in less than 21 minutes.Speed Master(5pts)2.7%
Chambers of Xeric MasterComplete the Chambers of Xeric 75 times.Kill Count Master(5pts)16.4%
Blind SpotKill Tekton without taking any damage.Perfection Master(5pts)14.8%
Anvil No MoreKill Tekton before he returns to his anvil for a second time after the fight begins.Mechanical Master(5pts)26.8%
Chambers of Xeric (Trio) Speed-ChaserComplete a Chambers of Xeric (Trio) in less than 16 minutes and 30 seconds.Speed Master(5pts)2.9%
Chambers of Xeric (5-Scale) Speed-ChaserComplete a Chambers of Xeric (5-scale) in less than 15 minutes.Speed Master(5pts)2.3%
Chambers of Xeric (5-Scale) Speed-RunnerComplete a Chambers of Xeric (5-scale) in less than 12 minutes and 30 seconds.Speed Grandmaster(6pts)1.8%
Chambers of Xeric (Trio) Speed-RunnerComplete a Chambers of Xeric (Trio) in less than 14 minutes and 30 seconds.Speed Grandmaster(6pts)2.3%
Chambers of Xeric (Solo) Speed-RunnerComplete a Chambers of Xeric (Solo) in less than 17 minutes.Speed Grandmaster(6pts)1.4%
Chambers of Xeric GrandmasterComplete the Chambers of Xeric 150 times.Kill Count Grandmaster(6pts)12.3%

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The name is a pun on "putting it all on the line".


Combat Achievements

  • Ghommal
  • Laidee Gnonock
  • Easy
  • Medium
  • Hard
  • Elite
  • Master
  • Grandmaster
  • All tasks (sorted by tier)
  • Free-to-play
Antique lamps
  • Easy
  • Medium
  • Hard
  • Elite
  • Master
  • Grandmaster
Ghommal's hilt
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
Dragon hunter crossbow
  • Black
  • Turquoise
Slayer helmet
  • TzTok (imbued)
  • Vampyric (imbued)
  • TzKal (imbued)
  • Ghommal's lucky penny
  • Ghommal's avernic defender 5
  • Ghommal's avernic defender 6

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Putting It Olm on the Line (2024)


How many points is olm in a solo? ›

Putting It Olm on the Line is a master combat achievement which requires the player to complete a solo Chambers of Xeric raid with 40,000 or more points.

What is the best melee weapon for OLM? ›

For the main melee weapon, having the dragon hunter lance is strongly recommended as it is one of the best weapons to use against the Great Olm. Players who do not have the dragon hunter lance can alternatively use the Ghrazi rapier or the Blade of Saeldor instead.

How many phases does Olm have solo? ›

Olm has at least four phases, with an additional phase for every 8 players in the raid. Unlike the other bosses in the room, once the player enters his chamber, it is a fight to the death.

How many points is a solo win conflict of nations? ›

Victory Conditions

For example, solo VP required for a map may be 1850, but if 3 players are in the coalition then everyone in it needs to contribute to the new total of 5550. So choose your teammates wisely, otherwise you will have a very heavy load to carry!

What is the perfect olm achievement? ›

Perfect Olm (Solo) is a master combat achievement which requires the player to kill the Great Olm without taking damage from his crystal burst, teleport, fire wall, healing pool, crystal bomb and prayer orb attacks.

How many points is combat Patrol 40k? ›

Title. Depends on the combat patrol, but around 500 points. It's a good start for starting an army. If you're curious how many points the one is you're interested in, just put the units in the army builder part of the free GW app.

Can Chambers of Xeric be done solo? ›

You can do the Chambers of Xeric solo or with a team.

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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