Lohud Rockland Obituaries (2024)

1. Obituaries in Westchester, NY | The Journal News - Lohud

  • Westchester Journal News obituaries and death notices. Remembering the lives of those we've lost.

2. Obituaries | North Rockland Daily Voice

  • Obituaries · Police & Fire Weather Lifestyle Politics Sports Traffic Real Estate Tags Jobs Shop Support Us. North Rockland. Follow. Find Your Daily Voice. News ...

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3. All Obituaries | Pearl River NY funeral home and cremation

4. https://lohud.newspapers.com/?xid=798

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  • The largest online newspaper archive. Used by millions every month for historical research, family history, crime investigations, journalism, and more.


5. The Journal News Archive - Newspapers.com

  • The largest online newspaper archive. Used by millions every month for historical research, family history, crime investigations, journalism, and more.

The Journal News Archive - Newspapers.com

6. Obituaries at Magoun-Biggins in Rockland

  • Obituaries · David A. Hussey · Elizabeth Iacovino · Lisa A. McGuirk

  • Obituaries

7. Times Herald-Record: Local News, Politics & Sports in Middletown, NY

  • Get the latest breaking news, sports, entertainment and obituaries in Middletown, NY from The Times Herald-Record at recordonline.com.

Times Herald-Record: Local News, Politics & Sports in Middletown, NY

8. Rockland County & New City, NY Obituaries, 160+ indexes

  • browse over 160 Rockland County and New City, New York obituary indexes, including newspaper obituaries, death indexes, funeral home obituaries..

9. Recent Obituaries | George M. Holt Funeral Home

  • February 6, 1942 - July 30, 2024. Ann Margaret Sullivan, passed away July 30, 2024. She is survived by her loving family.

  • View Recent Obituaries for George M. Holt Funeral Home.

Recent Obituaries | George M. Holt Funeral Home

10. Obituaries Archives - Rockland News - It's Local that Matters. %

  • It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Christopher Edward Tietjen at the age of 62 after a ten-year battle with cancer.

  • News from Rockland County, New York

Obituaries Archives - Rockland News - It's Local that Matters. %

11. Obituaries - Orangetown NY Archives - Rockland News - It's Local that ...

  • Gloria Trotta (nee Baldini), 92, of Tappan, NY, passed away on Sunday, July 28, 2024. Beloved wife of the late George Trotta. Cherished mother of Laurinda ...

  • News from Rockland County, New York

Obituaries - Orangetown NY Archives - Rockland News - It's Local that ...
Lohud Rockland Obituaries (2024)


Why are some obituaries not published? ›

Obituaries are not required by law , so the deceased's family might have chosen to forego publishing one. Publishing an obituary can be expensive , and the funds may be unavailable. The deceased has few family members or friends , so there might have, unfortunately, been no need for an obituary.

What are the final words on an obituary? ›

Concluding Message

In the conclusion of the obituary, special requests may be made such as, “in lieu of flowers, donations may be made to…” or “Our heartfelt thanks to the staff at General Hospital for…” Some families make the final line a dedication honoring their loved one.

How do I find an old obituary in New York? ›

New York Public Library subscribes to many databases that can help researchers locate obituaries and death notices. The most useful are our newspaper databases. Oftentimes obituaries can be located by entering a person's name and week of death into the newspapers databases.

Are Obituaries always published online? ›

Obituaries and death notices can be published by alumni organizations, religious or community institutions, and professional organizations, or online.

Why do some Obituaries not list cause of death? ›

Some families prefer privacy when mourning a death, while others might see no harm in being candid about the circ*mstances. It is absolutely the family's right to choose their own level of privacy or openness in an obituary notice, and it is important for readers to respect this.

What is the most common last words before death? ›

These are their four most common preoccupations: "I want to tell you that I love you." "I want to tell you that I forgive you." "Would you tell me that you love me?"

What not to put in an obituary? ›

When writing an obituary, leave out details that could be used for identity theft, such as the deceased's date and place of birth, middle name, maiden name and mother's maiden name. And don't include the deceased's home address.

What should be left out of a obituary? ›

It's important to remember that an obituary is supposed to be an announcement and brief biography of the deceased. Don't feel the need to recount every detail of their life. Also try to avoid bragging about every accomplishment or award the deceased received.

What does it cost to place an obituary in The New York Times? ›

How much does an obituary in The New York Times cost? Placing an obituary in The New York Times starts at $263.00. Package prices can vary depending on the edition of the paper (weekday, weekend, or Sunday editions) and other factors such as the length of the obituary. Where do obituaries placed with Legacy.com appear?

How do I look up a death in New York? ›

Contact the Vital Records Call Center at (855) 322-1022.

What is the last sentence of an obituary? ›

Some families make the final line a dedication honoring their loved one. Phrases like “We will always carry your memory in our hearts,” or perhaps a favorite quote of your loved one are heartfelt and personal. Other families select a short prayer, a religious quotation, or a line from a poem to place at the end.

Who usually reads the obituary at a funeral? ›

This reading may be performed by a family member, a close friend, or a designated individual. The purpose of the obituary reading is to share important details about the deceased person's life, allowing everyone present to reflect on their accomplishments, relationships, and contributions.

How do you say no funeral in an obituary? ›

Obituary Example: No Funeral or Memorial. [Full name] sadly passed away on [date of death] at their home in [place of passing]. They always spread joy and happiness wherever they went. As per [first name]'s request, no funeral or memorial service will be held.

Why is there no obituary on My Friend? ›

However, in communities where access to media is limited, or in cases where the deceased or their family prefer privacy, an obituary may not be published. Additionally, socio-economic factors can influence whether an obituary is created, as families with fewer resources might not have the means to publish one.

Who typically writes an obituary? ›

While there are no rules when it comes to who writes the obituary, they're typically written by family members or close friends. When a loved one passes, the family usually decides who will write it based on their relationship to the deceased or writing ability.

Are obituaries required in PA? ›

In PA, there is no legal mandate to publish an obituary in a newspaper when someone dies. The official state paperwork is a death certificate, which is filed with the state's office of vital statistics by a medical certifier or a licensed funeral home director, not by the family of the deceased individual.

When someone dies, do you have to put a notice in the paper? ›

Generally at the direction of the probate court and with the assistance of the estate's attorney, the executor is required to publish notice of the death in appropriate newspapers to run for a specified length of time. This notice is typically filed in the local newspaper.

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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

Phone: +337636892828

Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.