D# Major Chord, How to Play D Sharp Guitar Chord - Music Grotto (2024)


There are many ways to play D# major on guitar, several of which use barre chords. However, if you are a beginner, there are other, more comfortable methods for your fingers. Although you won’t see the D# major as frequently as D major, you’ll need it as you continue your guitar journey.

D Sharp Major Chord

D# major uses the root, major third, and the perfect fifth of the D# major scale. While that may seem straightforward, the complications of this chord come with the name of the major third, which can be confusing.

Version 1 (A Barre Shape)

D# Major Chord, How to Play D Sharp Guitar Chord - Music Grotto (1)
  • Barre strings 1-5 at fret 6
  • 2nd finger to D-string fret 8
  • 3rd finger to G-string fret 8
  • 4th finger to B-string fret 8

This is one of the most common and useful ways to play the D# major chord. You will see the familiar A major shape inside this barre chord. Both the A and E-shapes are helpful when you want your guitar part to accompany a band or a singer.

Using essentially the same chord shape, you can achieve an even bigger sound with this D# major barre chord. All you have to do is barre all six strings instead of only the first five strings. When you barre all six strings, you put a lower A# note in the bass, making the chord thicker.

Similar A-shape chord: Bbm guitar chord

Version 2 (E-Shape)

D# Major Chord, How to Play D Sharp Guitar Chord - Music Grotto (2)
  • Barre all six strings at fret 11
  • 2nd finger to G-string fret 12
  • 3rd finger to A-string fret 13
  • 4th finger to D-string fret 13

The next barre chord to learn when learning how to play D sharp major on guitar is this E major barre chord shape. You can see that your 2nd, 3rd, and 4th fingers create an E-major chord shape. The only difference is that you form it much higher up on the guitar neck with a barred finger.

Try a minor barre: Abm on guitar

Version 3

D# Major Chord, How to Play D Sharp Guitar Chord - Music Grotto (3)
  • 1st finger to G-string fret 3
  • 2nd finger to high E-string fret 3
  • 3rd finger to B-string fret 4

The third shape is likely the most common version of the D# major chord. Essentially, it is a standard D major chord shape in a slightly different neck position. It’s essential to only strum the highest three strings – the ones where your fingers are – when you play this shape.

You can achieve a slightly more prominent sound using a similar chord shape. For this variant, you will need the D-string to add a bass note.

Next chord: A# major

Version 3 (with D-string)

D# Major Chord, How to Play D Sharp Guitar Chord - Music Grotto (4)
  • 1st finger to D-string fret 1
  • 2nd finger to G-string fret 3
  • 3rd finger to high E-string fret 3
  • 4th finger to B-string fret 4

This shape is quite challenging to play for beginners, but it is good practice as a moveable chord shape. If you keep your fingers the same distance apart and move them up and down the neck, you can play all kinds of major chords.

Easy chord: D flat major

Version 4

D# Major Chord, How to Play D Sharp Guitar Chord - Music Grotto (5)
  • 1st finger to high E-string fret 6
  • 2nd finger to D-string fret 8
  • 3rd finger to G-string fret 8
  • 4th finger to B-string fret 8

Shape 4 for D# major uses the upper part of the A-shape but does not require the barre, so it’s easier for beginners. Alternatively, you can also remove the first finger from this shape and just play the D, G, and B strings.

Like the other shapes that are not barre chords, it’s vital to only strum the strings that have fingers on them.

Version 5

D# Major Chord, How to Play D Sharp Guitar Chord - Music Grotto (6)
  • 1st finger to B-string fret 11
  • 2nd finger to D-string fret 12
  • 3rd finger to G-string fret 12

Shape 5 is a simplified version of the E barre chord shape for D# major. You can see that you are only playing the higher part of the full barre chord. With this shape, you can also use your first finger to cover both the high-E string and B-string at fret 11.

This shape uses notes of a major chord that are higher-pitched. If your guitar part is supposed to be in the higher range for a band arrangement, this is a helpful chord shape to help your sound pierce through the lower instruments.

Version 6 (C-Shape)

D# Major Chord, How to Play D Sharp Guitar Chord - Music Grotto (7)
  • 1st finger on fret 3 of D, G, and B-strings
  • 2nd finger to B-string fret 4
  • 3rd finger to D-string fret 5
  • 4th finger to A-string fret 6

Shape 6 is another full-sounding D# major chord with a C major chord shape within it. While challenging, practicing this chord shape and moving it around the neck will allow you to play all kinds of major chords. You can use this shape to add to your arsenal of major chord variants for new sounds.

Even though the D# major guitar chord has several challenging fingerings, learning how to play them will make you a versatile, experienced guitar player.

Notes in D# Major Chord

  • Root: D#
  • Major 3rd: Fx
  • Perfect 5th: A#

The major third of the D# major scale is Fx or F double sharp. Fx might sound complicated, but it is just an F note raised two half steps, or G.

Musicians more often refer to D# major as Eb or E flat major.

Notes in Eb Major Chord

  • Root: Eb
  • Major 3rd: G
  • Perfect 5th: Bb

The notes used to create Eb major and D# major are the same, but they just have different names depending on whether the scale focuses on sharps or flats.

Try more chords:

D# minor (D#m guitar chord)

A# minor (A#m guitar chord)

Dbm chord (D flat minor on guitar)

A flat (Ab on guitar)

Liam Flynn( Head Editor & Writer )

As the Head Editor and Writer at Music Grotto, Liam helps write and edit content produced from professional music/media journalists and other contributing writers. He works closely with journalists and other staff to format and publish music content for the Music Grotto website. Liam is also the founding member of Music Grotto and is passionate in disseminating editorial content to its readers.

Liam’s lifelong love for music makes his role at Music Grotto such a rewarding one. He loves researching, writing and editing music content for Music Grotto.


  • B7 Chord, How to Play the B7 Guitar Chord
  • F# Chord, How to Play F Sharp Major Chord on Guitar
  • C# Chord, How to Play C Sharp Major Chord on Guitar
  • Abm Chord, How to Play A Flat Minor Guitar Chord
  • Eb Major Chord, How to Play E Flat Guitar Chord
  • Gbm Chord, How to Play G Flat Minor on Guitar
D# Major Chord, How to Play D Sharp Guitar Chord - Music Grotto (2024)


What notes are in the D# major chord? ›

The D♯ major chord is a triad formed from a root (D♯), a major third (F𝄪) and a perfect fifth (A♯).

What is the chord progression for D Sharp Major? ›

Popular progressions featuring the F♯ major chord
  • I – IV – V progression: In the key of F♯ major, this would be F♯ – B – C♯. ...
  • ii – V – I progression: In the key of E major, this would be F♯m – B – E. ...
  • I – vi – IV – V progression: In the key of F♯ major, this progression would be F♯ – D♯m – B – C♯.
Sep 22, 2023

Where is D sharp note on the guitar? ›

D# (or Eb) can be found on the guitar fretboard below the 12th fret, when in standard tuning in 6 different places, one for each string. This pattern repeats above the 12th fret; however, since most guitars do not have 24 frets, the two on the E strings are not playable, thus leaving four further instances.

What is D-Sharp the same as? ›

D♯ (musical note)

D♯ (D-sharp) or re dièse is the fourth semitone of the solfège. It lies a chromatic semitone above D and a diatonic semitone below E, thus being enharmonic to mi bémol or E♭.

How to play D major on guitar? ›

The D Chord in 3 Easy Steps
  1. Place your 1st finger in the 2nd fret on String 3 - it's the 3rd one up from the bottom.
  2. Place your 2nd finger in the 2nd fret on String 1 - the bottom, thinnest string.
  3. Place your 3rd finger in the 3rd fret on String 2.

Is D# major A key? ›

In classical theory, and according to the Circle of Fifths, there is no key of D# major (it is always called Eb major). But, if there were, you would use the double sharps for this reason: All major and minor scales have one of each letter from A through G, and only one of each.

What notes are sharps in D major? ›

The key of D Major has two sharps — F♯ and C♯. Again, D is the only major key with two sharps. As a third example, the key of E♭ Major uses the notes E♭, F, G, A♭, B♭, C, and D.

What is the chord progression for D-sharp? ›

Common Chord Progressions In The Key Of D#

D# – A# – B#m – G# (I – V – vi – IV) D# – G# – A# (I – IV – V) E#m – A# – D# (ii – V – I)

What is the chord code for D major? ›

The D Major chords are: Dmaj, Em, F#m, Gmaj, Amaj, Bm, and C# diminished.

What is the D-sharp major augmented chord? ›

The D-sharp augmented chord (abbreviated D#aug chord) is a triad consisting of the notes D♯, F, and A. The chord is formed by raising the fifth of the D-sharp major chord a half step.

How to tune to D#? ›

Press the 7th fret on the A-string, then pluck the A-string and open E-string simultaneously. Tune the E-string down until it matches the note from the 7th fret on the A-string. The E-string will sound lower, but the note will be the same. The E-string will now be tuned to D♯ (E♭).

How to play sharps on guitar? ›

To make any note sharp, increase the pitch by a half-step. In guitar terms, that means play the note a fret up the neck. Conversely, to make a note flat, decrease the pitch by one half-step. So think about your fretboard.

What is the D sharp major scale on A guitar? ›

The D-sharp major scale is a seven-note scale consisting of the notes D♯, E♯, F, G♯, A♯, B♯, and C. The distance between the notes is 2-2-1-2-2-2-1, where 1 is a half step, and 2 is a whole step.

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.